This non-exhaustive section lists a selection of digitized or printed resources that will help you learn more about several of the themes addressed in this toolkit on cultural appropriation.

General Internet Resources

Decolonialist Approaches

Mignolo, Walter and Walsh, E. Catherine (2018). On Decoloniality: Concepts, Analytics, Praxis. . Duke University Press.

Tuck, Eve et Wayne Yang. (2022). ) Decolonization is not a metaphor. Rot-Bo-Krik.

Cultural and Artistic Appropriation, Cultural Borrowings and Exchanges

Babin, Sylvette. (2019). Emprunter sans remettre / Borrowing Without Giving Back. esse arts + opinions, (97), 6–9.

Burelle, Julie. (2020). Au-delà des bonnes intentions. Jeu, (174), 64–67.

Carter, Jill. Master Class. Retreating to/Re-treating from “Irreconcilable Space”: Canadian Theatre Workers and the Project of Conciliation. Dans Evan Tsitias, The Directors Lab: Techniques, Methods and Conversations About All Things Theatre (p. 185- 201). Toronto: Playwrights Canada Press.

Groffier, Ethel. (2020). Dire l’autre. Appropriation culturelle, voix autochtones et liberté d’expression. Montréal : Leméac Éditeur.

Highway, Tomson. (2019). Pour l’amour du multilinguisme: une histoire d’une monstrueuse extravagance.Mémoire d’encrier.

Murat, Laure. (2022). Qui annule quoi? Éditions du Seuil.

Uzel, Jean-Philippe (2019). Appropriation artistique versus appropriation culturelle/ Artistic Appropriation Versus Cultural Appropriation. esse arts + opinions, (97), 10-19.

William, Rodney. (2020). L’appropriation culturelle. Paris: Éditions Anacaona.

Young, O. James. (2008). Cultural Appropriation and the Arts. Malden (É-U): Blackwell Publishing.

Cognitive biases, Colonialism and Cultural Heritage

Béchard, Deni Ellis et Kanapé Fontaine, Natasha. (2020). Kuei, je te salue – Conversation sur le racisme.Montréal : Éditions Écosociété.

Bousquet, Marie-Pierre. (2016). La constitution de la mémoire des pensionnats indiens au Québec : drame collectif autochtone ou histoire commune? Recherches amérindiennes au Québec, 46 (2-3), 165–176.

Césaire, Aimé. (1950). Discours sur le colonialisme.Paris : La République des Lettres.

Dufour, Emmanuelle. (2021). C’est le Québec qui est né dans mon pays. Écosociété.

Glissant, Édouard. (1997). Traité du Tout-Monde (Poétique IV). Gallimard.

Maynard, Robyn (2017). Policing Black Lives: State violence in Canada from slavery to the present. Fernwood.

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Visit the website of Casteliers which is dedicated to the diffusion of puppetry
Visit the website of the International House of Puppetry Arts.
Visit the website of Ondinnok, the first Aboriginal francophone theater company in Canada.